Tuesday 7 February 2017

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) Functions

Date Functions:
DATE() :
This function returns Date in the date format. These dates are interpreted according to the system date.  It supports date after 1st march 1900.
Year :
-          It should be a number.
-          Anything more than 9999 or a negative value, system will throw an error.   
-          The value can be of 1 to 4 digited value.
-          If we are passing a single digit as the first argument, it will add that number to 1900 and returns the date.
o   For example if we pass 05 as argument, it will give 1905 as the year. DATE(05,10,15) will give 15th October 1905.
-          If we pass a decimal value, it will round off the value and then calculates the year. If we pass any value between 0 and 1899, it will add it to 1900 and will give that as an year. For example –
o   DATE(1500,1,10) returns 1st October 3400 (1900 + 1500)
o   DATE(2016,10,10) returns 10th October 2016.
Month :
-          It should be a number.
-          If the value is between 1 and 12, system will consider them as the months of the year. 1 represents January, 2 – February, and so on till 12 – December.
-          If the value is more than 12, it will compute the date by adding it to the month of the year. For example – DATE(2016,15,01) returns 01st March 2017. It adds number of months (15) will be added to 2016 from January.
-          If we value is -6, it will add -6 months to the given  year. DATE(2016,-6,1) will return 1st January 2015.
Day :
-          It should be a number.
-          If the value is between 1 and the last day of the month, it will treat that as the day of the month. Else will compute the date by adding the given number of days to the 1st of the given month. For example –
o   DATE(2016,04,10) will return 10th April 2016.
o   DATE(2016,04,40) will return 10th May 2016.
o   DATE(2016,04,-10) will return 21th March 2016.
Returns the Day of the month ranging from 1 to 31.
Parameter :
                        <Date> : should be a valid date. It can be a text in valid date format.
o   If the system date format is ‘dd/mm/yyyy’, DAY(“01/10/2016”) will be interpreted as 1st October 2016 and it returns 1.
o   If the system date format is  ‘mm/dd/yyyy’, DAY(“01/10/2016”) will be interpreted as 10th January 2016 and it returns 10.
Returns the Month number of the given Date.
Syntax :
                        <Datetime> : should be in valid datetime format. It can be in text in valid datetime format.
o   If the system date format is ‘dd/mm/yyyy’, DAY(“01/10/2016”) will be interpreted as 1st October 2016 and it returns 10.
o   If the system date format is  ‘mm/dd/yyyy’, DAY(“01/10/2016”) will be interpreted as 10th January 2016 and it returns 1.
Returns the year of the given date ranging from 1900 till 9999.
                        <Datetime> should be in valid datetime format. It can be in text in valid datetime format.
For Example:
                        YEAR(“01-Jan-2017”) returns 2017.

Returns the hour as number from 0 to 23 which corresponds to 24 hour clock.
        <Datetime> should be in valid datetime format. It can be in text in valid datetime format.
For Example:
                        HOUR(“January 10, 2017 03:30:30 PM”) returns 15.
                        HOUR(“January 10, 2017 03:30:30 AM”) returns 3.
Returns the Minute as number from 0 to 59.
                        <Datetime> should be in valid datetime format. It can be in text in valid datetime format.
For Example:
                        MINUTE(“January 10, 2017 03:30:30 PM”) returns 30.

SECOND:  Returns the Second number from 0 to 23 which corresponds to 24 hour clock.
                        <Datetime> should be in valid datetime format. It can be in text in valid datetime format.
For Example:
                        SECOND(“January 10, 2017 03:30:30 PM”) returns 30.

NOW(): Returns the current date and time in datetime format. It gives the exact time when it was called. It won’t be updated continuously.
o   We can use NOW() function in calculations.
o   If we use NOW()+4 it will add four days to the current date.

TODAY(): Returns current date and time in datetime format. It gives the current date with 12:00:00AM as output.
-          We can use TODAY() function in calculations.
-          If we use TODAY()+10 it will add 10 days to the current date.
WEEKDAY(): Returns a number which is the day of week. The number ranges from 1 to 7. By default the day ranges from 1 – Sunday to 7- Saturday.
        Date: should be in valid datetime format. It can be in text in valid datetime format.
        Return_type: It’s a number that determines the return type. Return types are as follows  -
§  1- Week Begins on Sunday (1) and ends on Saturday (7)
§  2- Week Begins on Monday(1) and ends on Sunday(7)
§  3- Week begins on Monday(0) and ends on Sunday(6)
If we omit passing the second argument, by default it will take 1 as return type.  

WEEKNUM(): Returns the week number of the year according to the return type.
        Date: should be in valid datetime format. It can be in text in valid datetime format.
        Return_Type: It’s a number that determines the return type. Default is 1. Return types are as follows  -
§  1- Week Begins on Sunday

§  2- Week Begins on Monday

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